Main Outputs & Results
The main result will be the upgrade of the innovation capacity in the CCIs sector and encouragement of the innovation in the Atlantic CCIs SMES, through the Quadruple Helix approach.
Such result will be reached through a series of activities and key outputs, such as (in line with the CP indicators):
- Case Studies & Pilot Actions: Development of Pilot Training Actions to develop entrepreneurship and innovation skills in the CCI sector (“Innovarts”); and 2 demonstration pilot actions (1 to test the market readiness & 1 through internships).
- Technical & Scientific Publications: 1 focused market watch and gap analysis. 1 Research publication on demand-driven innovation for the Atlantic CCIs. 1 Technical Model to transfer RTD results from research institutions to the CCIs SMEs leading to new services and products.
- Policy, strategy and operational instruments: Development of 1 networking mechanism for the generation of CCIs consortia, in particular 4H mechanisms.+ 1 Training course.
- Actions for dissemination and capitalisation results: 7 transnational events of exchange and dissemination, including demonstration events to test the market readiness.+ online actions of dissemination.
- Participants in dissemination and capitalisation actions: +1000.
As far as the number of stakeholders to be involved is concerned, from a quantitative perspective, 4H-CREAT will count on at least 175 companies and 700 end-users, in addition to the Research Centres & public authorities.
4HCREAT Webinar
The Cultural & Creative Industries: Co:llaborate to Co:create webinar took place on Wednesday the 3rd June, 2020 at 10:45 AM CET. The free webinar was hosted by John Hannafin from Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland, who was joined by the following panelists to discuss their presentations below and answer viewers’ questions.
- Colin Combe from Glasgow Caledonian University (Lead Partner)
- Yvan Corbat from DEX Group
- Valerie Moreau from Laval Mayenne Technopole
- Juan Vilanova from EleaDesarrollo
- Rita Cruz from ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
The agenda is as follows, times are in CET (1 hr ahead of Ireland and Scotland):
10:45 – Introduction
Colin Combe – Caledonian Glasgow University
11:00 – Upgrading the R+D+I of Institutions and CCI companies to supply the demands of «Generation Z» consumers
Presentation of the results of the survey and the Joint-market strategy on demand-drive innovation. Yvan Corbat – DEX Group
11:20 – How to improve innovation in the cultural and creative sector?Presentation of good practices in Atlantic Area. Valerie Moreau – Laval Mayenne Technopole
11:40 – The influence of «Generation Z» in Cultural and Creative Industries Presentation of a study on the influence of Generation Z (as consumers, employees, entrepreneurs…) in cultural and creative industries. Juan Vilanova – EleaDesarrollo
12:00 – Cultural and Creative Industries and Knowledge Production Ana Rita Cruz of ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Below is a recording of the webinar.
The following recorded presentations will be discussed with the presenters during the webinar. A Q&A facility will be available for attendees to ask questions.
Presentation: 4HCREAT Capitalisation and Sustainability Plan by Dr Colin Combe, Glasgow Caledonian University
This presentation addresses how the work of the project might be sustained into the future.
Presentation: Upgrading the R+D+I of Institutions and CCI companies to supply the demands of «Generation Z» consumers by Yvan Corbat, DEX Group.
This presentation addresses the results of the Survey Report on identification of trends and needs for Atlantic Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) towards Generation Z habits and demands
Presentation: How to improve innovation in the cultural and creative sector by Valerie Moreau – Laval Mayenne Technopole
This presentation gives an overview of the Policy Toolkit produced as part of the 4HCREAT project.
Presentation: The influence of «Generation Z» in Cultural and Creative Industries by Juan Vilanova of EleaDesarrollo
This presentation addresses the influence of Generation Z (as consumers, employees, entrepreneurs…) in cultural and creative industries.
Presentation: Cultural and Creative industries and knowledge production by Rodrigo Nicolau Almeida of ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
This presentation addresses knowledge transfer in the context of Cultural and Creative Industries.