The 4H-CREAT project partners, conducted a series of end-user co-creation
workshops involving local government, 3rd level education, CCIs, Generation Z actors as far as
potential consumers. The workshops sought to “jointly either identify, co-design or test new
tools, products or services” while also supporting the projects main objective of increasing
collaboration amongst the four helices and strengthening innovation capacity. The idea was both
to promote the interest and the importance to involve end users and to test different
methodologies to engage them.
From May 2019 to May 2020, 21 end-users involvement workshops were organised within the
partner territories, gathering 776 attendees.
The format of each workshops was very diverse (depends on needs, capacity…) using different
methodologies more and less participative. This heterogeneity constitutes a real asset. Apart
from the learning experience for the participants, these workshops allowed to identify 88 new
ideas or improvements.
Find all the information in the report below.
End-User Involvement Workshops 2019-2020DOWNLOAD PDF